Feb 24, 2021

+ integration with the Capusta.space payment system.
+ the order/registration form has been changed (only the order of tariffs/domains is supported). This version allows you to: 1) place an order in 1 step for authorized customers and in 2 steps for new/unauthorized customers; 2) see the changing amount of the order on the fly without reloading the page; 3) place an order and immediately pay the bill during the first session with new customers without checking the email address / phone/settings/ profile (in addition to orders for domains for which you need to fill out a profile before paying); 4) when registering a new client, you do not need to specify a password and it is not necessary to specify a login.
* tickets: when opening a ticket, we immediately transfer the client to the last message.
* auto-renewal: we are trying to automatically renew orders not only on the specified day before the end, but also in the following days (in case there was any failure or the account was deleted).
* security: added additional protection against sql-inj by spoofing the IP address.
* security: we hide from viewing in the client part the data that is in the profile fields that are forbidden to change (except for full name, Organization name and Email).
* mail logs: if logging of outgoing mail to clients is enabled, then we also save emails sent to unregistered emails in the logs.
* affiliate program: the ability to transfer the partner id in any link leading to the client part of the billing (using the variable pid=XXX, where XXX is the login or partner id).
- invoices: fixed an error when the invoice when filtered by payment method remained linked to the receipt/invoice if the customer first received a receipt for a physical person. persons or an account for legal entities, and then chose another payment method and paid with it.
- profiles: fixed a bug where it allowed changing passport data.
- invoices: fixed an error when an invoice and/or a certificate of work performed were attached to the notification of payment of the invoice, even if it is an invoice paid with the help of "Deferred payment".
- fixed a bug when the domain parking function did not work (for test orders).